Below you’ll find some of the frequently asked questions. If you still need help, feel free to reach us using the link at the bottom of the page.
What is Solflare wallet?
Solflare is a non-custodial digital wallet for Solana. It’s available as a web application, as a browser extension, and as a mobile app for both iOS and Android. It supports any token conforming to the SPL token standard.
What’s the difference between a mnemonic phrase, a recovery phrase, and seed phrase?
Nothing! They all refer to the same 12-24 sequences of words that grant you access to your wallet.
If you lose your mnemonic / recovery / seed phrase, you lose access to your wallet so it is very important that you keep a physical record of it in a safe place.
Best practices recommend you keep multiple physical copies and never keep a screenshot or digital record of it in case your device or cloud storage provider was ever compromised.
What does ‘Remove data and log out’ mean, will I lose access to my wallet?
This action will log you out and delete your browser session data – if you didn’t save your mnemonic and password, you won’t be able to access your funds so please remember to do so before logging out.
Does the “Remove data and log out” button mean I’ll need to re-enter my mnemonic?
Yes, you’ll need to re-enter your mnemonic and password to get access.
I imported from Sollet, and everything has disappeared!
Change the derivation path to m/44’/501’/0’/0.
What does ‘select derivation path’ mean?
“Derivation Path” is just a fancy way of saying “this is the data used to access all your accounts attached to your mnemonic phrase.” It’s necessary for you to choose which paths you want to use to access your wallet. 99.99% of the time, this means you choose all or the default one listed in your wallet interface.
Click here for more information.
What does “Failed to send transaction: Node is behind” mean?
There was an issue with the Solana transaction – just try again.
Solflare transactions are not showing up on my Ledger
In order to interact with SPL tokens and smart contracts, enable blind signing by following these quick steps on your device (as per Ledger’s support article).
- Connect and unlock your Ledger device.
- Open the Solana application.
Your device displays Application is ready. - Press the right button to navigate to Settings. Then press both buttons to validate.
Your Ledger device displays Allow blind sign. - Select Yes then press both buttons.
Your device displays Application is ready again. You’re done.

- Although blind signing is required for using Solana, it is technically an advanced feature.
- It is recommended to disable it after use.
- Since you will need it to be turned on so often when using Solana, please be cognizant of when it is turned on or off.
- Any firmware update or Solana Live app update will automatically disable blind signing.
I keep getting this error, “Failed to sign with Ledger device: U2F DEVICE_INELIGIBLE”
Please make sure your Ledger and Solana apps are updated to their most recent versions. Then make sure your Ledger is connected to the Solana App and not your Ethereum App.
How can I top up my existing staking account?
You can’t – you need to create a new staking account each time you add more funds.
I’m not receiving staking awards, and it’s been several Epochs!
Check your validator – sometimes they increase their commission to 100%.
When will I be able to see my staking rewards? / I can’t see my staking awards!
You’ll start to see them in the Epoch after you start staking.
Where is the legacy version of Solflare?
I withdrew Solana from my staking wallet and now the stake address has disappeared. What’s going on?
Staking addresses are a one-time thing. If you withdraw all your SOL, they disappear.
What’s an Epoch?
The period of time in which the “validator schedule” of Solana’s consensus/staking algorithm is defined. Beginning and ending staking both kicks in when Solana switches to the next Epoch. An Epoch is 432000 slots, each of which lasts a minimum of 4 seconds, so in practice, an Epoch is a 2-3 day period.
How do I obtain transaction history for tax purposes?
Depending on the country or jurisdiction you’re utilizing Solflare from, local regulations might require you to report your earnings on cryptocurrency for taxation. Solflare allows you to view your transaction history. However, in order to obtain a .CSV file you can sift for yourself, can give it to your tax advisor or you could utilize stake.tax which is a free, open-source tool, or paid options like CoinTracker or CryptoTax Calculator.
Solflare can’t offer tax advice and encourages you to declare your crypto earnings in jurisdictions where it is mandatory to do so.
What are SPL tokens?
SPL tokens are native or wrapped assets that can be freely transacted between different wallets and protocols on the Solana blockchain.
Can you help me recover my lost assets?
Solflare can’t help you recover stolen or lost assets.
Due to the way on-chain transactions on the Solana Network work, they can’t be reversed. This means if a token was sent to another account, only that account has the authority to send them back. This is true for all other decentralized blockchain networks.
Furthermore, Solflare is a non-custodial product. This means that we don’t have access to any of our user’s data, including their Mnemonic or Recovery Phrase, or the ability to freeze or seize any account. We recommend the user take safety measures to secure their phrase since we can’t retrieve assets stolen by a bad actor gaining control of the user’s wallet via their Mnemonic.
Here are some typical situations you may encounter as a user:
- I have sent SOL to a centralized exchange (CEX) and it isn’t showing up!
If the CEX you’ve sent your tokens to does not natively support the Solana Network, they might take up to 24 hours to be settled into your account. If the transaction shows as completed on a Solana blockchain explorer, we suggest you get in touch with the CEX’s support.
2. I have sent other SPL tokens to a CEX and they aren’t showing up!
There are CEXs that only partially support SPL tokens. If the exchange eventually lists that SPL token it may be made available on your account, otherwise you should contact the CEX so they inform you if it’s possible to retrieve those assets. Usually, this entails a finder’s fee.
3. Someone obtained my mnemonic and stole my tokens; can you get them back?
If you’ve given away your mnemonic (recovery phrase), we can’t help you recover the assets, as stated previously as there is no method to stop funds or assets being transferred out of a compromised mnemonic. You must abandon that wallet and mnemonic and generate a new one. If you’ve noticed that there are other assets left, you must act quickly and send whatever is left to a new address. This, however, is a risky procedure, as the scammer/thief might still be on the lookout.
4. Someone stole my assets but there are still some left over, is it safe to move these tokens?
If you think your tokens were manually stolen, there might be an opportunity to recover whatever you have left. We suggest contacting our support team, since we may be able to guide you on the best course of action, even if we can’t retrieve whatever was already stolen.
If your situation has nothing to do with these cases (or even if it does, and you just want a more in-depth look), feel free to send us a message, we’re glad to help you out!
Contact Solflare’s 24/7 chat support team here.
I have an issue – where can I get support?
We’re proud to offer a 24/7 customer support chat in over a dozen languages.
If you have any questions about your Solflare wallet or Solana onboarding experience, connect with our support team here.
What’s the difference between mainnet, devnet, and testnet?
If you’ve gone around the settings menu, you probably have noticed the “Network” option.
Using this, you can switch between Solana mainnet, devnet, and testnet and will also be warned that devnet and testnet assets hold no real value. If you aren’t an advanced user or a developer there’s no need to switch out of the mainnet option, however, here’s an explanation for all three of them.
- Mainnet
Solana’s Mainnet serves as the realm where all the transactions on the Solana network are processed. It’s here where the distributed ledger keeps track of everyone’s token balances.
- Devnet
Devnet is where you can access all functions on the main net for testing and development purposes without actually interacting or risking real assets on the mainnet. Tokens on Devnet are not real assets and cannot be transferred over to mainnet in any way.
- Testnet
Testnet is similar to Devnet, but focuses on network performance and stability, it is oriented to be used by validators. Tokens on Testnet are not real assets and cannot be transferred over to mainnet in any way.
⚠️ Anyone who offers to send you tokens from Solana’s Devnet or Testnet in exchange for an asset you’d send on Mainnet is a bad actor.⚠️
If this has happened to you Solflare’s customer support may advise you on what actions to take, however, keep in mind that we are not able to retrieve any tokens sent.
If you’re a developer and wish to connect your app to Solflare, follow this guide:
I got scammed, what should I do?
We’ve all been through a scam. It’s a horrible feeling…
In these situations, it’s important to stay cold-headed, we know it may be a lot to ask of you right now.
You might be thinking that this is just an article suggested by a bot, but it has been written by a human who once, too, got scammed. So, even though Solflare can’t help you recover lost assets, we may be able to help you retrace your steps so you can know what happened, and make sure you’re prepared so it doesn’t happen in the future.
Note: Due to the way on-chain transactions on the Solana Network work, a transaction can’t be reversed. Meaning that if a token was sent to another account, only that account has the authority to send them back.
Solflare is a non-custodial product and we don’t have access to any of our user’s data or assets, including their Mnemonic or Recovery Phrase, or the ability to freeze or seize any account. We recommend the user take safety measures to secure their phrase since we can’t retrieve assets stolen by a bad actor gaining control of the user’s wallet via their Mnemonic.
The most important question is: Do you have an idea of how you got scammed?
If you don’t know how it happened, here are some possibilities:
- o You went into a scam site that looked very similar to a project’s actual website, and when you connected your wallet to it your tokens were drained. We recommend you verify the website’s address or the project’s social media channels in these cases.
- o You were offered a free NFT, and when you tried to claim it your assets were stolen.
- o Your physical access device, (i.e. Ledger, Keystone, Trezor) was taken out of the location you had it stored in, or that device’s recovery phrase was stolen.
- o You input your mnemonic on a scam site where you were led to believe you were connecting to the Solflare site. Once you’re logged into Solflare on a browser, you won’t be asked to input your mnemonic again.
- o Your computer might be compromised and has malware on it.
As we stated before it’s important that you retrace your steps, if you have an idea how it happened. please let us know what you think happened when you decide to go to the support team for help. There’s a new type of scam being cooked up every day, so we also appreciate you letting us know how you think you lost your assets, so we can make Solflare and the Solana network a more secure place for everyone.
We’re on an everlasting quest to keep our users safe!
☝️This might be a cheesy phrase but what it means is that even if you haven’t lost anything and are aware of a current scam going on, we also would like you to inform us.
I sent SOL to an SPL token account. Is it lost?
Don’t worry, your SOL isn’t lost!
Just follow these steps:
1. While on your portfolio tab, scroll down to find the token account you mistakenly deposited the SOL in.

2. Click or tap on it, and make sure you have 0 of that token left.

3. If you do have some of it left, try swapping for SOL, or another token of your preference.
4. Click or tap on the 3 dots, which will then prompt you with a menu.

5. Select close account and confirm the transaction.

6. The account will be closed, and the SOL will be returned to your main account.
Why did my swap fail?
If you stumbled upon an error while trying to swap and have checked our general transaction failure article, these are the solutions to some issues you may encounter, that are exclusive to swapping:
- The slippage Setting stopped you from losing too much value on the swap
If slippage goes over the selected amount the swap will fail. This is because the slippage setting (set by default to a 0.5% amount difference) stops the swap from happening if the estimated price and execution price differ over this percentage, due to the minute-to-minute pricing estimates. You can retry with the same or a different amount of slippage.
2. Liquidity Provider lacks liquidity for your trade
The total liquidity on that pool of tokens isn’t enough to fulfill your solicited transaction. If this happens you just need to select another swap route from the ones offered under the coin you want to swap to.
3. You didn’t receive the intended asset and instead got wSOL as a result.
You may get wrapped SOL (wSOL) when the previously explained cases happen. In order to unwrap it you must simply switch to your portfolio tab where you will find the wrapped SOL token, click on it and you will be presented with the option to unwrap.
Note: If you want to unwrap SOL on mobile you must connect to Solflare web and follow the previously explained steps.
And that’s a wrap!
How do I send SOL or another SPL token to a centralized exchange (CEX)
Sending SOL or any other SPL tokens to a Centralized Exchange (CEX) is, in general, as simple as sending SOL to other Solana Wallets.
Usually, the process goes like this:
1. Find SOL or a supported SPL token on your CEX (centralized exchange) portfolio, this may vary from exchange to exchange. If you’re unsure of how to obtain it, we encourage you to get in touch with your CEX’s support team.
2. Find the receive button, which will give you an address you must copy.
Protip: Solana addresses are usually up to 44 characters long, and don’t begin with “0x…”
3. Navigate to your Solflare wallet’s portfolio and find the Send button, and paste the address you got from the exchange.
4. Check the SOL/ SPL token account on your centralized exchange’s wallet balance.
Note: as we explained in our lost assets article, some centralized exchanges do not support all SPL tokens, so it might be in your best interest to only send SOL if you’re unsure. Sending other SPL tokens to a SOL address may result in funds loss.
What do I do if/when I forget my password?
If you forgot your password on your desktop, you can reset it by clicking “Forgot your password?” and following the steps to Log out.

You will need your Recovery phrase to continue since starting this process will log you out of that device and you will need to log in again. After you input your mnemonic, you will be asked to set up another password.
Keep in mind that these passwords are different for every browser you have the extension set up, and are stored at a local level, meaning it won’t necessarily be the same password on your other devices. In this way, Solflare never has access to your password.
💡Your Recovery phrase is the only way you will be able to log in after you log out of your account. Since Solflare is a self-custodial product, we don’t keep any of your data, and your Recovery phrase isn’t tied to your e-mail address, nor do we keep your e-mail address on any of our servers.
If you’re on mobile and have forgotten your password, please get in touch with the support team at this link.
Can you access Solana apps directly within the wallet?
Yes! With Solflare’s mobile app, you can connect to all the best Solana apps directly within Solflare’s mobile browser.
When you’re using the extension and web app, you won’t need to connect to apps from within the wallet, you can simply connect to them with your wallet.
Can you stake SOL directly within the wallet?
Yes, here’s a guide on how to do so.
You can stake SOL with a whooping 7.4% APY with the Solflare validator all within your wallet.
This can be done on mobile and web.
How do I disconnect my wallet from an app?
If you need to disconnect your Solflare Wallet from any site or app you’ve already connected it to, here are the ways to do it on all Solflare Wallet versions:
Note: Keep in mind that disconnecting from a particular app or site, will only stop that app from viewing your wallet address, and tokens, and initiating new transactions. Previously approved token transfers and recurring transactions will not be stopped by doing this. However, revoking a transaction will.
- Solflare Extension: First go to the settings ⚙️ tab, then security, and finally trusted apps. Find the URL of the site you want to disconnect from and remove the permission and by clicking on the icon on its left.
- Solflare Mobile App: Go to the settings ⚙️ tab, then Security -> Manage Apps -> Select the desired app -> click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner and finally -> Remove App and confirm.
I’m having trouble delegating or undelegating my staked SOL
If you followed our unstaking guide for both Desktop and Mobile and are still having issues, these tips are for you:
- Check that your staked SOL completed the delegation or undelegation process, which takes 2 epochs. Epoch 1 will be utilized to lock your SOL, your rewards will be generated starting on epoch 2. This works the same when unstaking. You will receive your last reward on epoch n+1 and your SOL will be unlocked at the end of epoch n+2. You can check how long the current epoch will take to complete on the Solana blockchain explorer.
2. If you don’t have enough SOL balance to pay for transaction fees, you won’t be able to undelegate any staked SOL. Remember fees will vary from validator to validator, and your SOL balance on your main account will be the one where the fees will be deducted from, not your staking account. As a rule of thumb, we recommend always keeping 0.1 SOL in your wallet to avoid worrying about having enough SOL to cover fees.
3. The staked SOL won’t automatically go back to your main account once the undelegation is completed, you must either withdraw a certain amount or close the account, which will send all of the remaining SOL on it to your main account.
If you’re still having trouble unstaking on a legacy Keystore Solflare wallet, we recommend getting in touch with support.